  • 對稱形式的設計象徵法律的公正與平等
    Symmetric design represents justice and equality of law.
  • 橘色的 L 代表 Law法律
    Orange L represents Law.
  • 中間的 Y 字代表國立雲林科技大學
    The Y in the middle represents National Yunlin University of Science and Technology.
  • 六角形延續本校校徽的精神
    Hexagon continues the spirit of school badge.
  • 立方體的六面象徵六法全書
    The six-side cube represents statutes.
  • 電子電路板的科技線條象徵精密高科技
    The line of electronic circuit board represents technology.
  • 配色上延續本校校徽的一致性色彩
    The color is consistent with university symbol.