- 兼顧科技法律領域之特殊性,培養學士後非法律背景學生從事科技法律之研究,以因應科技產業發展之需要。
The School gives consideration to the particularity of the field of science and technology law, cultivating the non legal background graduates to be engaged in the research of science and technology law in order to cater to the needs of the development of technological industry.
- 強調多國語言之科技法律課程及培養國際化之科技法律人才。
The School emphasizes Multilanguage courses of science and technology law to foster the related professionals of internationalization.
- 結合本校工程、管理、設計及人文科學四個學院之師資,支援「科技整合法律」之相關課程,提供本所學生跨領域學習之機制。
The School integrates the courses of the departments of engineering, management, design and humanities and applied sciences of the University to support the related courses of technology-law integration; planning to open technology-law integrated course to provide the students of the School with cross-discipline learning mechanism.
- 建構網路教學與研究,並運用網路法律資源與線上法律資料庫,強化校內外互動教學與研究。
The School establishes online education and research and manipulate online law database to consolidate interaction with the external.The School also applies network teaching and research and sets up e-law resources and online juridical data base to intensify the interactive teaching and research both inside and outside the campus.
- 建立與國內外、兩岸產、官、學、研機構之合作關係,以豐富本所學生實務經驗。
The School establishes the long-term industry-education cooperative relationship with the industry-government-university-research organization in order to enrich the practical experiences of the students of the Department.
- 提供政府機關、社會人士與產業界人員之科技法律研習及進修管道。
The School provides the government organizations, the public and the people from industrial circles with science and technology law studying and also with further education pursuing opportunities.